NAEA convention March 14-16, 2019. Boston
Keynote/Super-session: "Curriculum with Criticality for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion" was the title of a super-session curriculum panel I facilitated with examples of curriculum units by seven art educators who addressed identity and prioritize inclusion in linguistic, racial, religious, racial, ethnic, abilities, gender, sexual orientation and socioeconomic complexity. Curriculum presented by: · Joni Boyd Acuff. Associate Professor at The Ohio State University Department of Arts, Administration, Education and Policy. Columbus, Ohio. · Rachel (Shuman) Armentano. Art Teacher, Rocky Hill School an independent school in East Greenwich, Rhode Island. · Melanie Blood. Art Teacher, Brockton High School, Brockton Public Schools, Brockton, Massachusetts. (Melanie and Amanda are co-presenting their segment). · Amanda Gil. Art Coordinator, Everett High School, Everett Public Schools, Everett, Massachusetts. (Melanie and Amanda are co-presenting their segment). · Christopher Love, Art Teacher, The Rivers School, an independent school in Weston, Massachusetts. · Kristen Ripley. Art Teacher, Amherst Regional Middle School in Amherst Public Schools, Amherst, Massachusetts. · Nicole Singer. Art Teacher, Fort River Elementary School in Amherst Public Schools, Amherst, Massachusetts. Seattle Public Schools, January 16, 2019. Seattle Public Schools, January 16, 2019. Thank you to Seattle Public Schools teachers of Visual and Performing Arts for engaging in critical dialogue and taking up steps for action to interrupt cultural appropriation in the arts, and empower multiple voices. I look forward to continuing the conversation.
NAEA Webinar on “Making Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Real in Art Education Practices” on October 3rd, 2018 as a follow up to my keynote at Summer Leadership Conference. You can still see it on NAEA site at Virtual Art Educators link, then click on "Monthly Webinar Archives.".
NAEA Summer Leadership Conference 2018: "Our Collective Responsibility in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion" was the title of my keynote/interactive dialogue. It was such an honor to teach and learn with these NAEA leaders!
MAEA. Massachusetts Art Education Association. November 2017. I gave the keynote address at the annual state-level art education conference at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. My talk was titled "In Times of Dispossession: Art Education as a Civil Right and Human Right" within the conference theme of "Shaping Human Potential"
July 13-17, 2016. Connecticut Higher Order Thinking (HOT) Schools Institute.Hartford, CT. I was invited to lead a week-long session on "Affirming Diversity through storytelling and art-making with children’s and young adult literature" - The goals included art-making activities that build literacy skills while affirming diverse identities. Propel storytelling in the classroom through children’s and young adult literature, as well as by listening attentively to one another. Re-imagine the role of literature and visual art to inspire student storytelling from diverse perspectives.
May 16, 2016. Hampshire College at Yiddish Book Center. Keynote address for Museums10 Summit.
Museums, Engagement and Creating Social Change Museum Life as a Civil Right
Asserting that museum life is a civil right in our democratic society, this talk promotes ways museums can make themselves relevant and accessible to audiences across differences in race, religion, sexual orientation and social class. Rather than dictate a formulaic curriculum for museums to adopt, I offer case studies demonstrating ways museums have successfully implemented engagement with a wide range of audiences.
October 28, 2015. University of Massachusetts and Five-Collage Faculty Seminar on Integrated Arts. Invited speaker on two-person panel. "Reframing 'the Arts': From Art for Art's Sake to Cultural Production."
July 13-17, 205. Connecticut Higher Order Thinking (HOT) Schools Institute. Hartford, CT. I led a workshop on "Art, Inquiry and Critical Literacy" and also a week-long track, titled "Transform Curriculum: Student Voice, Critical Engagement and Meaningful Arts" - The conference video/media producer, Ian Applegate, edited this video of my talk and posted on the conference video blog.
July 31 & August 1, 2014. New Hampshire Summer Summit for Educators. Keene State College. Keene, NH. I delivered a talk for the Strand Leaders Opening Session & also extended workshop sessions on “Arts Education with Multicultural, Anti-bas perspectives: Turn Around with Meaningful Engagement.”
July 18, 2014. Connecticut Higher Order Thinking (HOT) Schools Institute. Wesleyan, University in Middletown, CT. I gave a keynote on Collaborative Planning and Integrated Arts. The Connecticut Higher Order Thinking (HOT) Schools Program is a community of practice that networks and develops entities interested in teaching and learning in, about, and through the arts using the HOT Approach. http://www.ct.gov/cct/cwp/view.asp?a=2212&q=293712
June 2014. Western Washington University. Bellingham, Washington. I gave a keynote presentation about the role of arts education in "Building Cross-Cultural Relationships for Social Justice: Empowering Multiple Perspectives" at the Summer Institute of The REACH Center & Center for Education, Equity and Diversity (CEED) "Building Capacity for Educational Equity & Organizational Change: Multicultural Education in the 21st Century" at the Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington.
Go to web site for Western Washington University CEED-REACH Institute
Go to web site for Western Washington University CEED-REACH Institute
Mount Holyoke College on March 10, 2014 "Critical Multicultural Perspectives: Restructuring Schools and Classrooms"
It was a delight to meet the women of Mt Holyoke College who are involved in the student organization: MHC: TEACH!
TEDx OSU http://tedx.osu.edu/
"Art Education as a Civil Right"
TEDx OSU on FEB 8, 2014
I gave a TEDx Talk at TEDx OSU. My talk was on "Art Education as Civil Right." TEDx was at Ohio State University's Mershon Auditorium at the Wexner Center for the Arts, 1871 N High St, Columbus, OH 43210.
See the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4Yk6CKH6MI
I gave a TEDx Talk at TEDx OSU. My talk was on "Art Education as Civil Right." TEDx was at Ohio State University's Mershon Auditorium at the Wexner Center for the Arts, 1871 N High St, Columbus, OH 43210.
See the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4Yk6CKH6MI
Bowling Green State University
On November 14, 2013 from 4:00-6:00, I gave a talk for Bowling Green State University's College of Education and Human Development. My presentation was titled:
Critical Multicultural Curriculum for PK-12 Schools: What counts as knowledge?
I drew from my co-authored book with Sonia Nieto, Affirming Diversity: The Sociopolitical Context of Multicultural Education, 6th edition. Case studies of students in US middle & high schools were illustrated, and cases of curriculum units were investigated in the talk.
Critical Multicultural Curriculum for PK-12 Schools: What counts as knowledge?
I drew from my co-authored book with Sonia Nieto, Affirming Diversity: The Sociopolitical Context of Multicultural Education, 6th edition. Case studies of students in US middle & high schools were illustrated, and cases of curriculum units were investigated in the talk.
In July 2013, I was honored to travel to Santiago, Chile on a trip sponsored by OSU Department of Arts Administration, Education and Policy led by Dr. Wayne Lawson, accompanied by ten graduate students and one alumna. I gave talks at two different cultural institutions: Museo de Artes Visuales (MAVI) and Fundación Telefónica
See power point about Kaeli's letter
Click here for English Version.
Haga clic aquí para ver la versión en Español.
- Santiago, Chile. Educarte Chile, art teacher association, affiliated with the International Society for Education through Art. July 2013. One panel presentation:
- Postmodern Perspectives in Art Education with case study of practice in first grade classroom. History of Multicultural Education Theory.
See power point describing "The Sociopolitical Context of Multicultural Art Education."
Click here for English Version.
Haga clic aquí para ver la versión en Español.
See power point about Kaeli's letter
Click here for English Version.
Haga clic aquí para ver la versión en Español.
- Santiago, Chile. Fundación Telefónica: Proyectos Arte y Cultura Digital. Telefonica Education Foundation: Projects of Art & Digital Culture. July 2013. Two lectures:
- Critical Multicultural Education with Postmodern Perspectives
- Digital Visual Culture and Literacies with very young children
Power Point Presentation for Affirming Diversity |
- Book talk on Affirming Diversity: The Sociopolitical Context of Multicultural Education. D.I.S.C.O. Diversity and Identity Studies Collective at OSU. February 25, 2013.
- NCTEAR National Council of Teachers of English Assembly for Research Conference. Columbus, OH. The Ohio State University. Arts & Literacies Invited Keynote Conversation Circles. February 2013.
- Invited guest lecture in course: Art Education Research by Dr. Deborah Smith-Shank. School-to-Prison-Pipeline and Art Education. Nov 2012.
- Keynote address. GCC. Greenfield Community College, Black History Month Event: Social Action and Art: African American History & Contemporary U.S. Culture. February 2012. See video
- Invited panelist: Race, Art & Higher Education. Tufts University Department of Education. November 2011.
- Keynote address. PAEA. Pennsylvania Art Education Association. Gettysburg, PA. Rethinking Dedication to Patriotism in Art Education. October 2011. See video
- RISD Rhode Island School of Design. Providence. Teaching & Learning in Art & Design Education Dept. Invited lecture. Practices in Postmodern Art Education. October 2011.